Category: Healthy

Ikigai—finding your life purpose every day

Suggestions for finding your own reasons for leaping forth with a mighty zeal every morning, from Ken Mogi suggests starting with the 5 pillars start small accept yourself connect with the world around you (through other people and the

Blueprint for a beautiful week

Start doing one of these rituals today and be the hero of your own life Ritual of early rising. Sweat more and your brain creates more BDNF. Start journaling to detect your values, reconnect with your goals and know yourself.

When Go Fast means Slow Down

They say that speed kills. So take your time! There’s really no need to rush, and you’ll be glad you slowed down. I’m actually talking about the frequency of Eating… We have been taught since we were kids that we

Adopt 3 Words

Instead of making resolutions, for the past five years I’ve chosen three words to be my theme words for the year, as described by Chris Brogan. Three words, carefully chosen, can be your personal theme too! While it’s great to do this as

The Illusion of Invincibility

Last weekend we rode our motorcycles over to Wisconsin. Due to schedule differences, it worked out easier to drive separately. The weather was beautiful. I left after my Saturday morning meditation class at the Twin Cities T’ai Chi Ch’uan Studio.

The Soul of a Carrot

This carrot was grown for me by Pat Nudd at Will Heal Farm. When I took it out of the bag, I thought someone had accidentally dropped in the bottom half of a Barbie doll. It was almost too beautiful

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Hormel Institute Recommends Plant-based Diet for Cancer Prevention

In an ironic twist, the Austin Minnesota-based Hormel Institute published an opinion recommending a plant-based diet for cancer prevention. The full article appeared in the February 2011 issue of Nature Reviews Cancer. The authors suggest that the main cancer preventative

Crazy Sexy Life

I’ve been following the posts on Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Life blog since last summer. She is funny and smart and has surrounded herself with some very knowledgable experts in health and nutrition. Today I joined her website as a

Living in your nature

Take a moment to look outwards into the natural world. See the tree…watch the flower… observe the grass…feel the breeze. Notice how everything in nature does what it does naturally and peacefully. Peace is nature’s nature. It grows, blooms, decays

2009’s Monthly Challenges Reviewed

While some folks make new years resolutions, our experience has generally been that we start out with good intentions and a good head of steam, and within a few months, the resolution gets lost in the shuffle of our busy
