Category: Meditation

Blueprint for a beautiful week

Start doing one of these rituals today and be the hero of your own life Ritual of early rising. Sweat more and your brain creates more BDNF. Start journaling to detect your values, reconnect with your goals and know yourself.

When Go Fast means Slow Down

They say that speed kills. So take your time! There’s really no need to rush, and you’ll be glad you slowed down. I’m actually talking about the frequency of Eating… We have been taught since we were kids that we

Columbus and Other Cannibals

When Thom Hartmann used the word “wétiko” in the movie I Am, it blew right past me the first couple of times I watched the movie. Then I watched the movie a third time so I could slow it down to understand the

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Moving from Stillness

The whirling dervishes are sufis who spin and spin while they circle around their teacher, who they believe represents the sun. It takes a good sense of your own center of gravity to be able to do that without getting

The Jewels are Inside You

The Illusion of Invincibility

Last weekend we rode our motorcycles over to Wisconsin. Due to schedule differences, it worked out easier to drive separately. The weather was beautiful. I left after my Saturday morning meditation class at the Twin Cities T’ai Chi Ch’uan Studio.

Ask a Tree to Help You

Standing Meditation Standing meditation is mostly the same as sitting meditation – you only need to add a few mechanics. Legs affect/determine Pelvic Alignment & Balance Your feet should be shoulder width apart. If your lower back hurts, bend your

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Having an Existential Tantrum?

In Letting Go, Harriet Brown writes about the meaning of forgiveness. Most people know that forgiving is good for you, but most people don’t know how to do it. Fred Luskin, who wrote Forgive for Good and has been studying

Exploring the Chart of Inner Luminosity

This wall hanging at the Mindful Motion Tai-Chi Academy is a symbolic representation of the human body and the spiritual forces that dwell within it. The chart was carved in stone at the White Cloud Temple of Beijing by a Daoist


Indignation : anger at perceived (or supposed) affronts. You perceive it, so you hold on to it. Something bad may have happened to you. There is a Chinese proverb that says “the year reveals the day’s mystery.” You may not
