Living with a loving heart

Heart is the only organ in the human body that has earned a fair amount of fame and prominence. Right from a poet, novelist, lyricist, paeans have all sung about the mischief of the heart. If you feel touched your heart melts like butter. If you don’t part with your precious money to the street urchins you have a hard, cold, heart. If you dare to snatch back your purse from a petty thief you are supposed to be a brave heart. And if some of your actions touch the other then it comes straight from the heart—Glossary of heart is never-ending…

heartflameHeart is the pure center (sanctum) of our very being and symbol of purity. “Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.” Why would Jesus emphasize the role of being little children? It is merely because of innocence and purity of heart. Heart of a child is without malice and wickedness in it, it is not conditioned by the worldliness. It is the only source of immaculate love without any demands or conditions.

Heart is important to all irrespective of age, religion, caste, creed, color, sex etc… “It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice.” We all like to love. More precisely, we want to be loved and look for acceptance from other beings. Look at the pet dog. Why does it come to your side and aspires for your gentle touch? It is nothing other than love and acceptance. Even animals have aspirations for love which springs from their heart. Our heartbeats with joy at the sight of babies, puppies, kittens; while heart to heart chats go a long way. Not to forget the umpteen number of people who call their loved ones sweet-heart and heart-throb.

Somewhere I read recently these beautiful lines: “if you find yourself in a darkroom with blood coming out from everywhere and the walls shaking, don’t be afraid, you are in a safe place: You are in my Heart.” So friends next if you happen to land up in a similar place like the one above, do not worry, you are certainly in a safe place – you are in someone’s Heart which is a cupid’s favorite target to practice his archery with pleasure and thereby the hearts melt into other heart without any words but only communion of two hearts.

Today more than ever before, we need people with good heart. When one says something positive and kind about another person, quickly we say that he has a soft heart. In the same way when says something negative, then we say that he is heartless. We need good parents, spouse, friends, relatives, teachers, politicians with a loving heart, who can spread love and peace.

Once a teacher gave her students homework to draw people. The next day as she collected the assignments, she was astonished to see how the children perceive the world around them. Many had drawn people skinny as skeletons, but with huge muscles. Others were drawn with a large head, while some others were drawn with a large wallet. One or two students drew figures that had a heart at the center. A good heart brings a lot of goodness around it.

Let every emotion springs from the purity of heart. Let all decisions manifest from the center of our very being – the Heart. Listen to it carefully and be in tune with the heartbeat. Because we can hear the divine melody every moment of our life. Let us not ignore the palpitation of heart as it always conveys divine messages. Once we learn to listen to the heartbeat we are in tune with the Universe/Nature/God and connected to every bit of existence. Isn’t it beautiful? Aren’t we all aspiring for such Hearts? If yes. Don’t be hesitant to let your heart be a replica of that Universal Heart which is the ultimate source of all goodness.

by JojiValli

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