Category: EnergyHealing

Universal Healing Tao: Articles

The Universal Healing Tao Center website has dozens of links to fascinating and helpful articles. Definitely worth checking out.

Learn about your brain states

In meditation studies, Alpha brain states are associated with a typical “Zen” meditation, in which the attention is in a state of “open focus.” In this state, one’s attention is directed to everything simultaneously. Theta brain states are associated with

Qigong Master Chunyi Lin

Qigong Master Chunyi Lin has developed a way for busy people to dramatically and quickly improve their lives. Proven benefits include better health, higher energy, more peaceful outlook, greater happiness, less stress, fear or anger, and a more loving countenance

A Healer in Every Family and a World Without Pain!

Welcome to! This site is dedicated to describing our journey with qigong and promoting Master Chunyi Lin’s vision of “A Healer in Every Family and a World Without Pain.”

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