Category: Positive psychology

Ikigai—finding your life purpose every day

Suggestions for finding your own reasons for leaping forth with a mighty zeal every morning, from Ken Mogi suggests starting with the 5 pillars start small accept yourself connect with the world around you (through other people and the

Blueprint for a beautiful week

Start doing one of these rituals today and be the hero of your own life Ritual of early rising. Sweat more and your brain creates more BDNF. Start journaling to detect your values, reconnect with your goals and know yourself.

When Go Fast means Slow Down

They say that speed kills. So take your time! There’s really no need to rush, and you’ll be glad you slowed down. I’m actually talking about the frequency of Eating… We have been taught since we were kids that we

Adopt 3 Words

Instead of making resolutions, for the past five years I’ve chosen three words to be my theme words for the year, as described by Chris Brogan. Three words, carefully chosen, can be your personal theme too! While it’s great to do this as

Love Yourself

Monday I watched a webinar by Abel James on en*theos where he talked about productivity. He said that he starts every day by asking himself these three questions: What am I grateful for? What three things would make today amazing?

Columbus and Other Cannibals

When Thom Hartmann used the word “wétiko” in the movie I Am, it blew right past me the first couple of times I watched the movie. Then I watched the movie a third time so I could slow it down to understand the

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The Jewels are Inside You

Triple Numbers in the Reality: Mystery School – Day 4(44)

Today while driving, I nearly got a DWD. Daydreaming While Driving. Stuck in traffic on the way to work, I was robotically following the surge and slow of the traffic, thinking about what to do about my job. (which is

Having an Existential Tantrum?

In Letting Go, Harriet Brown writes about the meaning of forgiveness. Most people know that forgiving is good for you, but most people don’t know how to do it. Fred Luskin, who wrote Forgive for Good and has been studying

Forgiveness as a Soup Question

In the wonderful movie Finding Forrester, Jamal asks the recluse William Forrester why his tomato soup gets thick but the soup his mother made at home was always watery. The answer was Probably because your mother was brought up in a
