When Go Fast means Slow Down

hourglass figureThey say that speed kills. So take your time! There’s really no need to rush, and you’ll be glad you slowed down. I’m actually talking about the frequency of Eating…

We have been taught since we were kids that we regularly need 3 square meals a day–Every day. Do not miss your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Eat, Eat, then Eat some more (Snacks are sinfully and deliciously optional.) That’s quite a frequent and quick pace. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors probably did not have meals with such velocity!

We (and by we, I mean I) eat so often and regularly that if we miss lunch, then by 2:00PM we think we might be starving. The fact is, we’re not.

Consider these items from the Lighter Fare side of the Menu of Fasting: [_] Skip a meal. [_] Skip a day’s meals.  [_] Dine on Water only (with fresh lemon, even better!). Those are some starter plan ideas.

Experiment with what works for you. Start by skipping one meal, one day a week. Proceed at your own pace. If you feel uncomfortable, consult a professional.

[Obligatory disclaimer: although I have great experience eating (about 70,000 meals to date!), I am not not an expert or a professional. So take what I say here with a grain of salt…but not too much salt!] 

Just think, if you skip breakfast and don’t consume any calories until lunchtime, your body has enjoyed a 15 to 20 hour fast!

When you slow down your meal velocity, you will begin to enjoy some tremendous benefits, like…

  • giving your digestive system a break
  • feeling lighter and healthier
  • BEING lighter–losing some weight*
  • Ketosis — consuming excess food stores within your body (i.e.- Fat)
  • healing, cleansing and detoxing
  • gaining some mental clarity and alertness / reducing brain fog
  • learning when you’re really hungry, rather than only mentally hungry
  • enjoying food flavors more
  • saving a trip to the grocery store / restaurant / drive-through (like they say, “spare dinner, save dinero”!)
  • better sleep, deeper meditation
  • being able to better understand how foods really affect you as you gradually reintroduce them to your system afterward,
  • and more…

*While not eating is surely an effective way to lose weight, it’s not recommended as a diet plan. You are responsible for what you eat and don’t eat, so find out more about your possible choices before jumping in, and choose wisely.

The Hidden Power Of Fasting

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